Friday, 26 August 2016

I'm still translating

Hey guys

I'm just posting here to say I am still translating chapter 57 of yami no aegis in case I freaked a whole lot of people out. I thought I was going to get it completed on my semester break, I was dearly wrong as I came across translator crisis (e.g confidence issues) and obtaining a graphics tablet to reduce the repetitive strain injuries I got from translating the last time, which makes my life a whole lot more easier. The entire time was used up because I was trying to get a graphics tablet and was trying find the cheapest option.

I decided to tackle the dialogue at least once a week. I also found the time to read other manga series in both English and Japanese to reaffirm how I should translate other series.

I also had help with this series, if I forget to include the help, please remind me.