Friday, 26 August 2016

I'm still translating

Hey guys

I'm just posting here to say I am still translating chapter 57 of yami no aegis in case I freaked a whole lot of people out. I thought I was going to get it completed on my semester break, I was dearly wrong as I came across translator crisis (e.g confidence issues) and obtaining a graphics tablet to reduce the repetitive strain injuries I got from translating the last time, which makes my life a whole lot more easier. The entire time was used up because I was trying to get a graphics tablet and was trying find the cheapest option.

I decided to tackle the dialogue at least once a week. I also found the time to read other manga series in both English and Japanese to reaffirm how I should translate other series.

I also had help with this series, if I forget to include the help, please remind me.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are still alive! I was a little worried, but figured you just got too busy to deal with an extra translation project. That being said, I'm really looking forward to seeing the end of Yami no Aegis, even if it takes a while.

    I'm not sure why I love this series so much. I think it might be that it takes a serious look at the concept of living well after tragedy. Instead of just saying, "Oh, my entire life was destroyed, but I have friends now! Also, revenge!" *sigh*

    Admittedly, I think Tate overdoes his tragic speech bit. I think maybe everyone in Japan might know about his arm at this point. But still, he's so darn awesome I'm willing to overlook that minor flaw :)

